Sentence Building

Benvenuti nella pagina degli esercizi dedicata all’abilità di sentence building in inglese

Ecco le nostre risorse per insegnare a formare la frase in inglese

Di seguito trovi il nostro materiale di esercitazione, ovvero un quiz a risposta multipla adatto per bambini ed utenti principianti!!

1. The time limits written on the plan is strict.

2. The students should always have their own set of ‘sentence building flashcards’ for the sentence building activities.

3. The vocabulary you’re using in the sentence building task does not need to be revised.

4. It is a good idea to have the students gathered around the teacher or in a circle when  the teacher is showing the students examples of sentences.

5. When teaching the students how to build a sentence the teacher should start small then slowly increase the length of the sentence. For example:

6. The teacher should ask the students to remain silent while she is doing the example sentence and not give the students a chance to complete the sentence for the teacher.

7. The teacher should make as many examples as the class needs before the students create phrases individually.

8. If the students make mistakes the teacher should not praise them.

9. In the follow up game ‘Is it correct?’ the teacher can ask a student to create an incorrect phrase for the class once they have understood how the game works.

10. The teacher should always correct an incorrect phrase for the students instead of encouraging them to try and correct it first.

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