Reading Test C1 - Esercizio 4

Quite often in Reading Part 3, you will be asked what kind of text the extracts are, or where they might have come from. This kind of information is often asked in the first two questions. Look at texts A-D and match each one with the following text types. There are two text types which you do not need to use. Use each text type once only.


There are many ways that you can protect yourself and your property against rural crime. The very nature of a rural environment means that there are vulnerable properties due to their isolation and lack of vigilant neighbours. Automatic lighting on sensors and CCTV cameras are both valuable tools in the fight against crime as they provide a strong deterrent to would-be burglars.


A recent spate of rural break-ins is causing unease amongst residents in the Kent countryside. The latest victims are a farming family who have had oil stolen from an outside tank and several pieces of valuable agricultural equipment. A police spokesman announced that a white van was seen leaving the farm in the early hours of the morning. They are appealing for any witnesses to come forward.


The darkness hung like a velvet cloak over his head. The sounds of the night assaulted his ears and made him more nervous by the minute. A part of him knew that he shouldn’t be there but needs must be met and he had needs that wouldn’t wait much longer. This was an act of survival. An illegal act, but the debtors had made it crystal clear that they wanted their money. The rich farmer had more than him. He could afford to replace the stolen tools. There was no other choice.


I really can’t express how deeply this whole episode has affected me. I know we weren’t home when it happened but I just feel so vulnerable. Every little noise makes me jump out of my skin and I keep expecting them to come back. The police have tried to reassure us. They said it has all the markings of opportunist thieves and they probably don’t even live in this area.

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