Reading Test C1 - Esercizio 3

Matching questions with 4 different texts

Unlike other reading tasks (e.g. True/False and gap-fill sentences), this is a fairly straightforward exercise. For this task, matching words/ideas in the questions with those in the texts is key to choosing the correct answer. In order to perform well on this task, it is necessary to skim-read all 4 texts quickly, then scan for specific information. All 4 texts will have a unifying topic.

Skim-read the following texts and list the key information, i.e. who/what is the subject, why they are mentioned/what is the main idea of the text. 


Downers are unsurpassed in their ability to see the negative side of life. They complain, criticise and judge, and are invariably hard to please.

Attempts to get them to adopt a more upbeat approach are doomed from the outset. A downer is never happier than when predicting a disaster scenario for any future plans involving either the doom-monger or for those unfortunate enough to be associated with them.

There are 11 key words or phrases. A phrase is counted as 1. Please list them like this: ‘see the negative side of life, doomed…‘ (this would be 2) 


Better Thans have the dubious privilege of having a variety of names assigned to them: Know It Alls, One Uppers or Show-offs.

They are characterised chiefly by their need to impress, name-drop and compare. Any unfortunate on the receiving end of a self-congratulatory monologue delivered by a Better Than will simultaneously experience a degree of chagrin as well as indignation. After all, who wants to be made to feel locking in some way, however unjustified that may be?

There are 12 key words or phrases. A phrase is counted as 1. Please list them like this: ‘see the negative side of life, doomed…‘ (this would be 2) 


Passives, also known as Push-Overs, are subtler than the other 3 category types of difficult people. These people don’t overtly set out to irritate. They spread a feeling of malaise amongst all they come into contact with by what they don’t do, rather than do.

You are probably familiar with this type – they’re the ones who fail to contribute to conversations and just sit back, letting others do the hard work. What makes these types so irritating is the fact that their behaviour, to all intents and purposes, seems above reproach and therefore beyond criticism.

There are 10 key words or phrases. A phrase is counted as 1. Please list them like this: ‘see the negative side of life, doomed…‘ (this would be 2) 


Tanks, as befits their name, ride roughshod over everybody and everything in order to get their way. Manipulative and bossy, they are apt to be explosive should anyone try to impede their progress.

Possessing few scruples, Tanks will do anything to get what they want. Unsurprisingly, their behaviour does not make for harmonious relationships and they are usually universally unpopular.

There are 10 key words or phrases. A phrase is counted as 1. Please list them like this: ‘see the negative side of life, doomed…‘ (this would be 2) 

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