First Certificate - Esercizi di reading comprehension

L’esame B2 First – Reading and Use of English si divide in 7 parti

  • Parti da 1 a 4: leggere testi di diversa lunghezza e difficoltà, sui quali si devono svolgere esercizi attività di grammatica e vocabolario.
  • Parti da 5 a 7: leggere testi e rispondere a domande  di comprensione del testo.


Tempo di esecuzione 75 minuti
Totale sezioni 7
Totale domande: 52
Incidenza punteggio: 40% del totale
Lunghezza dei testi: Circa 2.200 parole complessivamente
Provenienza dei testi Giornali e riviste, romanzi, saggistica.

Dettaglio degli esercizi di reading comprehension livello B2- Test B2

Parte 1 – Test Firts Certificate- Reading Comprehension

Descrizione Testo con  domande a scelta multipla: 4 opzioni (A, B, C o D)
Focus Vocabolario – espressioni idiomatiche, collocations,  phrasal verbs
Numero domande 8
Punteggio 1 punto per ogni risposta corretta.


Parte 2 – Test First Certificate- Cloze

Descrizione Test gappato (il gap è una singola parola)
Focus Grammatica e vocabolario.
Numero domande 8
Punteggio 1 punto per ogni risposta corretta.

Parte 1 – Test First Certificate- Word Formation


Descrizione Test gappato.Alla fine della riga c’è una parola  che deve essere modificata cambiare  per completare correttamente la frase.
Focus Morfologia
Numero domande 8
Punteggio 1 punto per ogni risposta corretta.

Esercizio 1 di Reading per Esame B2 FCE

Welcome to your FCE use of English part 1 quiz 1

Read the Text and decide which answer best fits each gap.

Space Junk

The space age began well over half a century ago, and ever since then the are just (1) ……………. the Earth’s atmosphere has been filling up with all kinds of man-made objects that have become (2) …………. as’ space junk’
. The items up there (3) …………. from old satellites and parts of rockets to hundred of thousands of pieces smaller than one centimetre, all of them travelling at (4) …………. Speed.
Over the last five years the number of objects in space is (5) ………… to have risen by 50 per cent, and this has (6) ……………… increased the risk of damage to working satellites or space vehicles with crews on board.

 International agreement has therefore now been (7) ……………. On limiting the amount of new space junk. Scientists have also (8) ……………… some interesting suggestions on tidying up space. These include using laser beams, giant nets and even an enormous umbrella-like device to collect tiny bits of junk.










Esercizio 2 di Reading per Esame B2 FCE

Welcome to your FCE use of English part 2 quiz 1

Read the text below and think of a word that best fits each gap. Only one word goes in each gap

Chewing gum

We still tend to think chewing gum is a fairly recent invention, even (1) ………. there is evidence it was used 5,000 years ago in Finland. The ancient Greeks also chewed gum, (2) ……… did the Aztecs in Mexico during the sixteenth century. As far as we know, however, it wasn’t (3) ……… 1869 that chewing gum became popular in it’s present form, (4) …………. a New York inventor called Thomas Adams first had the idea of adding flavour to it.
Nowadays, of course, it is chewed around the world, (5) …………. the fact that it continues to be regarded by some (6)  ……….. an unpleasant habit. Unfortunately, far too many people drop used gum onto the pavement, (7) ………. it remains for some time because it is extremely difficult to remove once it has stuck to the surface. On the other hand, those (8) ………….. favour of chewing gum claim it helps them relax, improves their concentration and helps keep their teeth clean.









Esercizio 3 di Reading per Esame B2 FCE

Welcome to your B2 FCE use of English Part 3 Quiz 1

For questions 1-8, read the text below. use the words given in capitals to from a word that fits each gap.

Remembering people’s names

Most of us have suffered the embarrassment of forgetting someone’s name. Often we fail to pay attention when (1) …………… are made, but later on in the conversation we don’t want to appear (2) ………….. by asking them what they’re called. Fortunately, there are some simple ways you can (3) ………………… this problem. One is to improve your powers of (4) …………………. Practise studying faces in public places, making a mental note of physical (5)…………….. such as high foreheads or narrow eyebrows. You’ll be surprised what a wide (6) ………………….. of shapes and sizes people’s features have. Then, when you first meet someone, remember them as ‘Laura with the small nose’, for example.
With surnames, make (7)…………… associations. For instance, imagine people called Cook, Ford or King making a meal, driving a car or wearing a crown, respectively. Finally, ending with the person’s name, as in ‘See you later, Max.’ is a good way of (8) ……………… that you don’t forget it.









Esercizio 4 di Reading per Esame B2 FCE

Welcome to your B2 FCE Use of Englsih Part 4 Quiz 1

For questions 1-6, complete the second sentence so that is has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word give. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Thomas spoke so quickly I had difficulty understanding him.


Thomas spoke so quickly I ………………………………. him.

2. They’ve postponed the match and it’ll be played next weekend.


The match …………………………………. until next weekend.

3. I’m never going to speak to Louis again.


I’ve got …………………………………. to Louis again.

4. It seems certain that lightening started the forest fire.


The forest fire ……………………………. by lightening.

5. It wasn’t worth going to the market because it was closing.


The market was closing, so …………………………… going there.

6. We phoned the restaurant but they said booking a table wasn’t necessary.


We phoned the restaurant, but they said we …………………………. a table.

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