KET - reading comprehension 2

Read the text and choose the correct statements.

We did lots of team sports at school, like football, volleyball and hockey. But I’m not strong, so I couldn’t hit or kick a ball hard. Often, members of my team laughed at me, and so I stopped playing sports as soon as I could because it upset me.

Now I sometimes go cycling, swimming and running, but always on my own. Then no-one can get mad at me when I’m slow!

I used to do every sport I could when I was at school. I loved the exercise, and I also liked being a member of a team. We had some great times together. We travelled to matches by bus, and had parties when we won. Then I was in a terrible car accident three years ago, and I hurt my leg. It still hurts, and it has made me really unhappy. But a friend of mine has suggesting going sailing. It sounds fun, so I think I’ll try that.

I just love team sports.  I prefer doing sports when there aren’t lots of other people making noise: that’s why I like surfing. It’s just me and the sea and a few other people who also like quiet, beautiful places. I think I would enjoy horse-riding and skiing too, for the same reason, but those sports are  too expensive for me.

Choose the correct statement:

Choose the correct statement:

Choose the correct statement:

Choose the correct statement:

Choose the correct statement:

Choose the correct statement:

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