Listening Invalsi "A interview"

Listening test livello Base



                                                            An Interview

Listen to the interview and write your answers. Use a maximum of four words. The first one (0) is an example.
You will only hear the recording twice.

– In an interview, there is one person who asks the questions, and one person who answers. Pay attention to the answers and spell the words correctly.
– You must only write one or two words, not a complete sentence!

1. What’s her name?

2. How old is she?

3. Where is she from?

4. What’s her job?

5. What music does she listen to?

6. What’s her favourite colour?

7. What’s her favourite food?

8. What’s her hobby?

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Quiz 2



                                                            An Interview

Listen to the interview and write your answers. Use a maximum of four words. The first one (0) is an example.
You will only hear the recording twice.

– In an interview, there is one person who asks the questions, and one person who answers. Pay attention to the answers and spell the words correctly.
– You must only write one or two words, not a complete sentence!

1. What’s her name?

2. How old is she?

3. Where is she from?

4. What’s her job?

5. What music does she listen to?

6. What’s her favourite colour?

7. What’s her favourite food?

8. What’s her hobby?

Messaggio Importante

Se vuoi ricevere la soluzione di questo test sulla tua mail, compila i campi sottostanti.
Una volta inserita la mail nel campo sotto indicato, essa viene trattata secondo la nostra privacy policy, ed inoltre viene automaticamente inserita nella nostra mailing list da cui riceverai gli aggiornamenti del nostro sito.
Il titolare del trattamento dei dati è Open Minds srl, i dati NON saranno condivisi con terze parti.
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