Verbi passivi in inglese

Forma attiva e forma passiva

La forma passiva è spesso utilizzata nel linguaggio formale.

In questo articolo abbiamo dedicato molti esempi e spiegazioni al’uso del passivo in inglese

Ecco alcuni esempi

His poetry conveys a great sense of religious devotion. A great sense of reliious devotion is conveyed by his poetry
They wrap these presents beautifully.These presents are beautifully wrapped.
They disposed construction waste in the bin.Construction waste is disposed in the bin.

Il complemento di agente è introdotto dalla preposizione by. .

“Thriller” was written by Michael JacksonMichael Jackson wrote “Thriller”
The movie Titanic was directed by James CameronJames cameron directed the movie Titanic
This house was built by my brother My brother built this house.


Come si costruisce la forma passiva

In inglese la forma passiva si forma con il verbo :
il verbo ‘to be’ + participio passato

AffermativaNegativaInterrogativaInterrogativa negativa
The house was built in 1999.The house wasn’t built in 1999.Was the house built in 1999?Wasn’t the house built in 1999?
These houses were built in 1899.These houses weren’t built in 1899.Were these houses built in 1899?Weren’t these houses built in 1899?

Forma passiva con l’infinito

La forma passiva all’infinito viene utilizzata dopo i verbi modali e i verbi che normalmente reggono l’infinito.

Forma passiva al gerundio

La forma passiva al gerundio viene utilizzata dopo una preposizione e dopo i verbi che reggono il gerundio.

Esercizio di inglese sui verbi passivi al tempo presente

Watch the video and answer the questions

Transform the active sentence into the passive one with the present simple
Example: Somebody sends emails.
Emails are sent

1. Does the police officer catch the thief?

2. He opens the door.

3. We set the table.

4. Does your mum pick you up?

5. She pays a lot of money.

6. You do not write the letter.

7. I draw a picture.

8. They don’t help you.

9. They wear blue shoes.

10. He doesn’t open the book.

Messaggio Importante

Se vuoi ricevere la soluzione di questo test sulla tua mail, compila i campi sottostanti.
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Esercizio di inglese suii verbi passivi ai Tempi passati

Watch the video and transform the active phrases into passive ones. 

1. My brother walks the dog.
The dog ___________ by my brother.

2. David was buying a book. 
A book ___________ by David.

3. He opened the window.
The window _________ by him.

4. They are going to plant trees.

5. Someone has stolen my treasure.
My treasure _________.

Now, rewrite the active sentence into the passive one (don’t use punctuation). 

6. Someone has already paid the electrician for his work.

7. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.

8. The author has written a special edition for children.

9. They had eaten all the dinner before they finished the conversation.

10 A man requested the stranger to leave the meeting.

Messaggio Importante

Se vuoi ricevere la soluzione di questo test sulla tua mail, compila i campi sottostanti.
Una volta inserita la mail nel campo sotto indicato, essa viene trattata secondo la nostra privacy policy, ed inoltre viene automaticamente inserita nella nostra mailing list da cui riceverai gli aggiornamenti del nostro sito.
Il titolare del trattamento dei dati è Open Minds srl, i dati NON saranno condivisi con terze parti.
Potrai cancellare il tuo contatto dalla nostra mailing list in qualsiasi momento.


Esercizio: trasforma le frasi da attive in passive

Watch the video and transform the active phrases into passive ones. 

1. My brother walks the dog.
The dog ___________ by my brother.

2. David was buying a book. 
A book ___________ by David.

3. He opened the window.
The window _________ by him.

4. They are going to plant trees.

5. Someone has stolen my treasure.
My treasure _________.

Now, rewrite the active sentence into the passive one (don’t use punctuation). 

6. Someone has already paid the electrician for his work.

7. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.

8. The author has written a special edition for children.

9. They had eaten all the dinner before they finished the conversation.

10 A man requested the stranger to leave the meeting.

Messaggio Importante

Se vuoi ricevere la soluzione di questo test sulla tua mail, compila i campi sottostanti.
Una volta inserita la mail nel campo sotto indicato, essa viene trattata secondo la nostra privacy policy, ed inoltre viene automaticamente inserita nella nostra mailing list da cui riceverai gli aggiornamenti del nostro sito.
Il titolare del trattamento dei dati è Open Minds srl, i dati NON saranno condivisi con terze parti.
Potrai cancellare il tuo contatto dalla nostra mailing list in qualsiasi momento.

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