Listening Test "Mika"

Watch the video and complete the dialogue

E: you know Mika?
M: who?

E: Mika the singer… Do you know the song “Grace Kelly”? He sings it!
M: Oh right! He has a show on tv, ?

In the show he drives a taxi and talks with people… he also had a talk show called “Casa Mika”!

E: Exactly! did you know that he is not italian?
M: Really? is he from?

E: He is British! His Italian is amazing, isn’t it? I he was Italian!
M: Me, too!

E: Actually he was raised in London, but he was in Lebanon and his dad is American. 
M: Look, this is an article on his story! Here it says that he is dyslexic, and left school when he was a little boy!

M: It says that he spent some years in Paris with his family and he studied at home with his mom. 
E: I know that he French very fluently. He was a judge in the French edition of the show “The Voice”.

M: In the article they write that Mika is dyslexic and was bullied at school. He music since he was 4, and music really helped him. He struggled a lot at school and thought he was stupid, but when he grew older he realized that he was just a fish in a tree.

E: A fish in a tree? What does it mean?
M: I guess it means that you might be very good at swimming, but if you spend your life in a place with no water, you end up thinking that you can not do things. 
E: It is a depressing idea, ? A fish in a tree can’t even breathe, can it?

M: Exactly! So, if I am good at playing cards, but no one teaches me how to play, I will never know that I am good at it. He is lucky, because his mom decided to him how to play piano… and he was good at it!

E: Wow, perhaps I am really good at something fancy, like climbing trees or… playing the trumpet! I should try, ?
M: Do not try playing the trumpet while I live next door, please!

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